Charleville Castle Heritage Trust

The Charleville Castle Heritage Trust (founded in 1994) is a voluntary, not-for-profit organisation (a company limited by guarantee registered in Ireland) managed by Dudley Stewart & Bridget Vance with a team of core volunteers.
Volunteers from different countries including France, Canada, the United States of America and the United Kingdom, and other parts of Ireland help at the castle. The aims are the restoration and sustainable conservation of the building.
The underlying concepts; hope, belief in the future, and humanity - on the frontiers of civilization, were the inspiration behind the desire to build the castle. These concepts are the heritage of the Charleville Castle.
These are the values that persevere within this magnificent edifice. These are the ideals under which the ethos of volunteerism has been developed, and are sustained, in modern times - Global Sustainability, Peace, and Betterment of life on Earth - a vision deep into the far-off future.